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Cambridge Cardiovascular


Cambridge Cardiovascular People

Cambridge Cardiovascular is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) funded by the University of Cambridge. It acts as an overarching organisation providing support to the related research Centres and communities in Cambridge. It aims to connect researchers across the Cambridge area, maximise opportunities for collaborative research, and nurture the next generation of research leaders. The University of Cambridge is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to a proactive and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity.


Adding and Updating your Profile on the Cambridge Cardiovascular website

If you want to add your profile to the Cambridge Cardiovascular website Denise Hatherly can set up your basic Research profile page which you can then edit. Please just provide Denise with your full name, CHRIS ID, your email address and which category you should be placed in (Group Leader, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Graduate Student or Professional Staff). We can then set you up with a basic profile. Once this is set up you can follow updating instructions below to edit your profile.

To update your existing profile please visit this page for more details on how to manage your profile (you will need a CHRIS ID). All profiles with a CHRIS ID are now be editable by the profile owner.

If you cannot log in please request Denise to check your access privilages, and help you with the process.

If you do not have a University CHRIS ID please contact Denise who can add/edit a profile for you.


Cambridge Cardiovascular Email List

Our monthly newsletter reaches 450+ researchers across the University of Cambridge, affiliated institutions (e.g. Babraham, EBI, Sanger), and hospitals (Addenbrooke's, Royal Papworth). We send out a monthly Newsletter with details of our Events and Seminar Series along with other relevant Seminars, Events, and useful information. We also detail funding and training opportunities in our Newsletter. You can see previous Newsletters and subscribe here.

Please also contact Denise regarding any funding opportunities you have, or if you would like to advertise an event you are organising or have a job opportunity in your team.

We connect cardiovascular researchers in Cambridge and beyond.

For inquiries about our research, please contact Dr Jane Sugars

For enquiries about our website or joining Cambridge Cardiovascular, please contact Denise Hatherly

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