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Please note that all applications for CRE Pump Priming funds must be made by one or more named theme leads, co-investigators or collaborators, although they may be made in collaboration with others. Associated PIs, fellows funded by the CRE and other potential collaborators are invited to be joint applicants.

The British Heart Foundation Cambridge Centre for Cardiovascular Research Excellence 2019-2024 (CRE) provisionally allocated £1M to pump-priming through an annual call.

CRE investigators and collaborators were invited to apply for several rounds of these funds. Projects may be based partly outside the groups of CRE PIs, but the application must come from one or more named theme leads, co-investigators or collaborators. We made awards of up to £50,000 per application, but requests for smaller awards were also encouraged. The overall goal was to allow researchers to be more responsive and innovative, and to maximise leverage for the Centre. In particular, pump-priming awards was used to provide an opportunity to obtain pilot data that enables subsequent submission of a grant or fellowship application to an external funding agency.

All applications were in line with the Centre’s aims and scientific strategy as detailed in the original application. Priority was given to interdisciplinary and cross-Departmental proposals that join two or more of the research themes (Vascular Medicine; Population Sciences; Functional Genomics; Cardiometabolic Medicine) and/or proposed projects that have translational focus.

Applications were be made on the official form which asks for the following information:

  • Project title
  • Names and affiliations of CRE PIs and co-Investigators plus any collaborators
  • Proposed start date
  • An abstract of <300 words
  • Background and preliminary data
  • Clearly stated hypothesis and project aims
  • Details of the work to be undertaken
  • An outline of expected pilot data to be generated and plans for the subsequent external grant/fellowship application
  • A summary of the funding requested incl. costs breakdown and justification

Funds were used towards consumables, equipment, animal costs and travel to relevant meetings. Where possible, staff costs were covered by existing contracts, although short-term bridging funds (for <6 months) were made available where justified.

Applications will be assessed and ranked by members of the CRE Steering Group.

Please email any queries to Dr Jane Sugars.


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