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Cambridge Cardiovascular


BHF Cambridge Centre of Excellence (CRE) Steering Group

The Cambridge Cardiovascular BHF/CRE Steering Group consists of representatives from the centres five main themes.

The full Steering group meets annually with members asked to give guidance and lead activities throughout the year. 

Please follow the links below to read more about the Steering group members and their research interests.

Name Theme / Role
Prof Martin Bennett Vascular Medicine & Award Director
Dr Ben Challis AstraZeneca
Prof John Danesh Population Sciences & Theme Lead
Denise Hatherly   Cambridge Cardiovascular Research Coordinator 
Prof Ziad Mallat Vascular Medicine & Theme Lead
Prof Hugh Markus Functional Genomics
Prof Susan Ozanne  Cardiometabolic Medicine
Prof Sanjay Sinha Vascular Medicine & Theme Lead
Prof Nicole Soranzo Functional Genomics
Dr Jane Sugars Cambridge Cardiovascular Centres Manager
Prof Antonio Vidal-Puig Cardiometabolic Medicine & Theme Lead
Prof Ian Wilkinson Experimental Medicine
Prof Angela Wood  Population Sciences & Theme Lead


BHF Cambridge Centre of Excellence (CRE) Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The Centre has appointed the following SAB to give guidance and feedback:

University of Edinburgh
Muredach Reily Columbia University, USA
Sarah Lewington University of Oxford
Stefan Janssens UZ Leuven, Belgium