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Unless an alternative location is indicated, sessions will be held in the McGrath Centre at St Catharine’s College (CB2 1RL).


08:45 Registration, Refreshments Foyer, McGrath Centre
09:15 Welcome and Overview of Event: Martin Bennett  
  Keynote speaker: 

Prof Niels Peek - Professor of Data Science and Healthcare Improvement, THIS Institute

Prediction Technologies in Cardiovascular Medicine: Past, Present, and Future


Session 1: Rhythm Disorders

Chairs: Lay Ping Ong, Angela Wood
10:05 Peter Charlton - Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Cambridge University Using wearables to detect atrial fibrillation in daily life
10:20 Jonathan Mant - Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Cambridge University

Screening for Atrial Fibrillation with ECG to Reduce stroke– the SAFER trial

10:35 Greg Mellor - Royal Papworth Hospital Quinidine for the treatment of Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation

Poster Previews session 

Chair: Lay Ping Ong

Posters will be available to view in the foyer, garden room and SCR during the morning break and at lunchtime from 13:45

Ana Vujic, Dept Medicine, UoC; 

Beatrice Waller, Dept Medicine, UoC; 

Eleanor Winpenny, MRC Epidemiology Unit, UoC; 

Nicola McCarthy, Milner Therapeutics Institute, UoC; 

Elsa Lawrence, Dept Pharmacology, UoC.



Served in the foyer and SCR


Poster session opens in the SCR 
  Session 2: Imaging and the application of AI 


Chairs: Nick Evans, Joseph Cheriyan


Smriti Agarwal - CUH NHS Foundation Trust

AI in acute stroke - promises and challenges

Jason Tarkin - Department of Medicine, Cambridge University

New imaging modalities to detect cardiovascular inflammation


Jonathan Weir McCall, Department of Radiology, Cambridge University

Big data and AI in cardiac imaging: Making a difference?

Parallel sessions

Numbers are limited for each session – please sign up in advance or during registration 


  • AI in cardiovascular Health
  • Collaboration - how to do it better - OCR
  • Making the most of precious datasets - Ramsden Room


Served in the downstairs bar. Participants are welcome to carry food upstairs

Poster session continues from 13:45 in the foyer, garden room and SCR 
  Session 3: Translating omics into better therapies Chairs: Eric Harshfield, Adam Butterworth

Alessandra Granata - Neurology Unit, Cambridge University

Modelling Small Vessel Disease in a dish – towards new treatments   

Nicole Soranzo - Human Technopole and Cambridge University

Large scale functional genomics approaches for target discovery

Elise Needham - Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge University

Mapping genetic influences on phosphorylation reveals signalling connections and functions


Served in the Foyer


Session 4: Drug re-purposing and precision medication 

Chairs: Emma Hodson, Carmel McEniery 

Phil Ambery - AstraZeneca

From systemic hypertension to cirrhosis and CKD, with pulmonary hypertension and prostate cancer in between, the many lives of Zibotentan

Spoorthy Kulkarni - CUH NHS Foundation Trust

Comparison of optimal hypertension regimes in different ethnicities: The AIM-HY INFORM trial

Rouchelle Sriranjan - CUH NHS Foundation Trust and Department of Medicine, Cambridge University

The results of the low-dose interleukin-2 for the reduction of vascular inflammation in Acute Coronary Syndromes (IVORY) Trial 


Discussion Panel

Panel members:  Hugh Markus, Sue Ozanne, Sanjay Sinha, Charlotte Summers

Reflections on the day and questions from participants  

Inspirational speaker:

Prof Giles Yeo, Institute of Metabolic Science

Why should we speak to the media? 

17:35 Poster prizes and closing remarks  Prof Martin Bennett
  Post-event Networking  All are most welcome to stay for drinks and nibbles (McGrath Centre foyer)





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