Proposals for the 2024-2025 academic year, should be made by July 31 2024 via our online Google form or by email to Dr Jane Sugars.
The aim of the seminars is to nurture cross-network and cross-discipline links to support cardiovascular research in and around Cambridge. We positively encourage speakers from disciplines less-often represented in the cardiovascular community. Speakers for this series are generally external to our network although we may sometimes invite local speakers to represent a discipline not usually associated with cardiovascular research.
Please see further information below and we look forward to receiving your suggestions!
Cambridge Cardiovascular Seminar Series Oversight Team:
- Assoc Prof Helle Jorgensen, UoC Dept Medicine
- Asst Prof Shelly Singh-Gryzbon, UoC Dept Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Dr Aishwarya Jacob, Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.
About the seminar series
- Seminars for the series can focus on any aspect of cardiovascular research. We aim for a mix of clinical and non-clinical speakers and a range of academic disciplines. Speakers from companies working in a field of interest may also be proposed.
- We aim to include occasional ‘tech talks’ with a focus on a specific technology or innovative technique and how it can be applied in our field. Suggestions for ‘tech talk’ topics/speakers are also welcome.
- Seminars are usually in-person, for 1 hour at lunchtime plus a sandwich lunch for attendees to give a chance to network with colleagues and meet the speaker before and/or after the talk.
- Default dates are the 4th Thursday of each month except for August and December, although we can sometimes be flexible if need be.
- We can offer a remote joining option for seminars.
If you cannot complete our online Google form, please provide the following information
- Your name.
- Your role and organisational affiliation(s).
- Your contact details, including email.
- Name of your proposed speaker.
- Proposed speaker’s role and organisational affiliation(s).
- Brief summary of the proposed speaker’s research area. Say why you feel they would be a good fit for the series and benefit the network. Is there any specific topic you would want to invite them to speak about [max 100 words].
- Are you proposing this speaker for a ‘tech talk’ slot? (i.e. focussed on application of an innovative technology or research technique) Yes/ No.
- Where might the proposed speaker be travelling from? (such as their usual place of residence or if you know they will be touring Europe from Australia, for example).
- Any other relevant information (such as suggested dates to fit with expected study results).
Selection process
- The seminar series oversight team will review all proposals made by the deadline and following this we will be in touch with the outcomes.
- As we may have more proposals than slots available, please do not approach an external colleague with an offer to speak as part of the series unless you are invited to do so.
- The oversight team will select to ensure a mix of clinical and non-clinical speakers and a range of academic disciplines.
- The speaker will be hosted by the proposer (or their nominee). Hosting means welcoming them to Cambridge, introducing them to colleagues and chairing the seminar itself. In order to maximise the benefit of inviting a speaker, hosts are encouraged where possible to arrange slots for additional meetings between speakers and other Cambridge researchers.
- Cambridge Cardiovascular will organise room bookings, catering, reimbursement of expenses, hotel/taxi bookings and advertising etc.
- We have a budget to cover travel expenses (from UK/Europe or potentially from further afield for a high profile speaker), accommodation for speakers in Cambridge (usually 1-2 nights) and incidental travel, catering for the seminar etc
- The Cambridge Cardiovascular network (funded by the Cambridge University ‘Cambridge Cardiovascular Interdisciplinary Research Centre’) is open to anyone with an interest in cardiovascular research, including staff and students from local Institutes and Companies or members of other universities.