Networks & Clubs
Providing the opportunity for senior and trainee academic women to meet, share advice & talk about their experiences | |
For disabled staff and those with long-term health conditions who work for the University, colleges and other associated institutions. They also welcome allies who want to know more about how to support disabled colleagues | |
For the Biomedical AI and Machine Learning community in Cambridge | |
Promoting interactions between scientists from academia & industry in order to improve opportunities for biotechnology research and development |
Monthly meet up for the Cambridge Synthetic and Engineering Biology community | |
Monthly meet up for postdocs, students and research staff from across thCambridge University and affiliated institutes | |
Providing support and advice to LGBTQ+ staff at Cambridge University and to act as a forum for consultation between staff and the University's governing body | |
Providing peer-support, through a platform where recently established independent academic and clinical researchers from Cambridge University can meet, exchange experiences and provide advice and support each other |
A volunteer-run organisation for university members and their families. Join in with lots of great events & activities from Pub visits and walking tours of cambridge to crochet & cookery sessions. |
Providing information and community networking opportunities to all Cambridge University Postdocs | |
Providing a safe forum to network, socialise, share, question, challenge and receive support and advice in relation to race equality at Cambridge University | |
Supporting Parents and Carers at Cambridge University | |
Showcasing the profiles of early career cis and trans women researchers from the University of Cambridge | |
Developing the skills and potential of all Cambridge Universities technicians throughout their careers | |
Member-led initiative run by women for women. They welcome and are open to all staff who self-identify as women working for the University of Cambridge, a College or an associated institution |
If you run a network and would like it added here please contact Denise Hatherly