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The event will take place at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1RL. Most of the day’s sessions will take place in the McGrath Centre and in other rooms close to Dawson Court (see map of college online). Our event will be signposted from the College entrance/porter’s lodge which is on Trumpington Street, to the left hand side of the College lawn/gates. 

Getting there and accessibility 

There is no parking available to us at the venue but if you have a disability and cannot easily arrive by public transport or from a nearby car park, please get in touch with us. The College has accessibility information on their website

Most sessions are around the Dawson Court area. Only one of the ‘parallel session’ groups (topic TBC) will be held in the Ramsden Room which is located across Main Court (ground floor). Venue Map

The nearest large car parks are the Grand Arcade (~6 Mins walk) and the Queen Anne Terrace (~17 mins walk but cheaper), The U1 and U2 buses (Eddington-Biomedical campus via train station) stop on Trumpington Street near Little St Mary’s Lane and the venue is a short walk from town centre stops for Park and Ride services or other buses to the city centre. There is covered parking for bikes by the Grand Arcade Car Park (entrance on Corn Exchange St) and bicycle racks directly outside the College on Trumpington Street. 


Registration in the McGrath Centre is from 08:45 (for a 09:15 start) and the symposium finishes with drinks from 17:40. Full programme


We are aiming to keep plastics and consumables to a minimum for reasons of environmental sustainability and will be using card name badges that hang from a lanyard. Please bring your own lanyard but should you forget, or if the shape of your clip doesn’t work with your badge, don’t worry as you can pick up a bamboo lanyard at reception. 

We will not be printing programmes. The basic itinerary will be printed on the back of your badge and a full itinerary is available online and will be displayed on a large screen in the venue. Details about our speakers are also available online for event participants. Attendees will be emailed these "Joining Us" details along with details of Posters being displayed on the day.

Dietary requirements 

All food will be clearly labelled with all ingedients and we have used your pre event information to try and avoid as many foods as we can that are not suitable for our guests. Please ask a member of venue staff if you have any further queries.

Parallel sessions – please register

During our pre-lunch session (from 12:20) you will have a chance to join one of three discussions, which will run in parallel in separate rooms. Room names will be notified on the day. Discussion topics are based around the most popular suggestions made by symposium participants at registration.  

Please register for a session in advance or on the day via a sign-up sheet at reception. Numbers in each session will be limited by size of rooms so sign up early to be sure to get your first choice. 



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