Please register here.
(Registration will close at 23:59 on Tuesday 7th May)
Confirmed speakers include:
Helen Byrne (Mathematical Institute, Oxford)
Robin Burns Unravelling the evolution and fidelity of centromeres (Plant Sciences)
Casper Siu Inference of spatial population structure from long shared haplotypes (Genetics)
Henry North Genomic monitoring of an invasive agricultural pest (Zoology)
Alex Cagan Ultra-accurate sequencing methods to study somatic evolution across the tree of life (Genetics)
Kyriacos Leptos (DAMPT)
Katy Brown Identifying and characterising RNA viruses in large sequencing databases (Pathology)
Zeyu Gao Measurable Multi-Instance Learning for Cancer Classification and Spatial Quantification (Oncology)
Siddhartha Kar Integrating germline and somatic genomics to understand cancer development and progression (Early Cancer Institute)
16.40- onwards Drinks reception