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Cambridge Cardiovascular


Cambridge University is offering small grants of up to £10K (or £20K for joint projects) to Interdisciplinary Research Centres (such as Cambridge Cardiovascular) and Strategic Research Initiatives.


Funding has been secured from the institutional HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Fund) allocation to set up a pilot for small starting grants for impact and knowledge exchange for Interdisciplinary Research Centres (IRCs) and Strategic Research Initiatives (SRIs). These cross-School initiatives are formally designated and overseen by the University’s Research Policy Committee.   

The scheme is intended to provide funding to IRCs and SRIs to support engagement and knowledge exchange with research users – external non-academic partners, such as businesses, government and policy makers, civil society organisations, general public etc as well as to maximise impact from research.   

More information about different impact activities and examples of research users who may benefit from the impact of research is available here.   

The funds will need to be used by 31 July 2023.  


What you can apply for  

Grants will be made for specific activities that support the strategic aims of the IRC/SRI in 

relation to promoting and facilitating engagement with the research users, impact, and knowledge exchange. Examples may include: 

  • Meetings / workshops to bring together academics and research users and facilitate knowledge exchange, develop contacts, and discuss collaborative opportunities 
  • Other ways of engaging with research users – e.g. going into schools / educational institutions and similar 
  • Secondments of researchers into research user organisations, or secondments of research users into the university 
  • Exhibitions and public engagement activities 
  • Skills training on commercialisation, entrepreneurship, and similar professional development 
  • Pump-priming impact activities  
  • Other activities which aim to impact on policy, business and third sector practice, resources and/or procedure   

These are only examples and suggestions. Funding can be sought for other eligible activities.   

Funding cannot be used to support research activities. The activities should typically include an external non- academic partner – user of research.   


Who can apply  

The scheme is open to all IRCs and SRIs.  


How to apply  

Each application must be made jointly by the Director(s)/Chair(s) and Coordinator of the IRC and SRI.  

• Applications submitted by one IRC/SRI may be made for grants of up to £10,000 (direct costs only).  

• Two or more IRC/SRI may collaborate to make a joint application. In this case, applications may be made for grants of up to £20,000 (direct costs only).   

Please note that an IRC / SRI may submit only one application for this call, either as a single or a joint application.   

If projects include receiving or transferring funds to the external partners that the University has not worked with before, additional due diligence may be required. Further context on the University's due diligence process is available here 

Applications should be made by 14 December 2022.  

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