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BHF Oxbridge Centre of Regenerative Medicine (CRM) 2017-2021 has allocated £282,882 to pump-priming to support innovative ideas that need to produce preliminary data before submitting a project grant application to an external funding body.


Our current award holders are listed below.

Name Location Title Award Call
Dr Helle Jørgensen Cambridge Transcriptional profiling single cells from human arteries to identify primed/ progenitor cell populations £25,310.00 2019
Prof Martin Bennett Cambridge Rejuvenating aged intra-myocardial arteries after myocardial infarction £46,700.00 2019
Prof Nicola Smart Oxford Asymmetric cell division in the epicardium: a novel target for regeneration? £41,700.00 2019
Tilly Mommersteeg Oxford Comparing heart regeneration versus scarring on single cell level £30,568 2019
Shoumo Bhattacharya Oxford Characterisation of the chemokine network in myocardial infarction £19,668 2019
Rebecca Richardson

Bristol Validation of cardiomyocyte specific gene expression in macrophages after cardiac injury £43,954 2019
Kim Mace Manchester Reversing chronic inflammation through modulation of reactive oxygen species £15,000 2019
Jurgen Schneider Leeds Development of advanced MR imaging techniques for the regenerating mouse heart £49,988 2019


In the previous 2013-2017 CRM. The first round of pump-priming took place in 2014 with call for applications in May, external peer review over the summer, and decisions made in August 2014. In total, five out of eight applications were approved with a total of £107,000 awarded.

The second round of pump-priming took place in 2015 with call for applications in February, and decisions made in April 2015 following an external peer review. In total, seven out of seven application were approved with a total of  £168,000 awarded.

Following a budget review in 2016, a third round of pump-priming was announced in November 2016 and decisions made in early 2017. In total, four out of six applications were approved with a total of £96,097 awarded.


Name Location Title Award Call
Dr Helle Jørgensen Cambridge In vivo proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells
£22,479 2014
Prof Roger Pedersen Cambridge Generation of human pluripotent stem cell lines capable of reporting cardiac chamber-specific differentiation
£27,922 2014
Prof Shoumo Bhattacharya Oxford Targeting RASopathic fibrosis signalling pathways using monobodies
£17,900 2014
Prof David Greaves Oxford CD68-Luciferase reporter mice for in vivo imaging of monocyte recruitment in repair
£26,000 2014
Dr Nicola Smart Oxford SRSF3: a novel splicing regulator of epicardial gene networks?
£12,738 2014
Dr Helle Jørgensen Cambridge Developing a CRISPR/Cas9-mediated system for regulation of local chromatin configuration
£23,678 2015
Dr Amer Rana Cambridge Modelling cardiomyocyte biology in pulmonary arterial hypertension using induced pluripotent stem cells
£23,100 2015
Dr Mathilda Mommersteeg Oxford Heart regeneration: is it in the blood?
£29,960 2015
Prof Jurgen Schneider Oxford Tracking stem cells in the living myocardium using 19F-MRI - a new paradigm for optimising preclinical studies
£29,995 2015
Dr Nicola Smart Oxford Sulfatases: novel targets for enhancing regeneration by epicardium-derived cells
£17,472 2015
Prof Shankar Srinivas Oxford Characterising the initiation of coordinated calcium transients in the developing heart
£27,617 2015
Prof Paul Martin Bristol Development of novel software for live imaging inflammatory cell interactions in the beating heart
£16,281 2015
Dr Helle Jørgensen Cambridge Investigation of vascular smooth muscle cell heterogeneity
£22,910 2016
Prof Shoumo Bhattacharya Oxford Targeting cardiac inflammation in post-infarction myocardial injury using novel chemokine-ligand traps derived from tick saliva
£20,474 2016
Dr Nicola Smart Oxford Generating new transgenic models to study the coronary vasculature  £24,595 2016
Prof Paul Martin Bristol Development of novel zebrafish models to analyse endogenous extracellular vesicle trafficking during the cardiac injury response and subsequent regeneration
£28,118 2016

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