Aetiology & epidemiology of lacunar stroke/cerebral small vessel disease
I am an epidemiologist with a main interest in dissecting the causes and consequences of cerebral small vessel disease and stroke using genetic and classical epidemiological techniques.
I am based in the Stroke Research Group of Professor Hugh Markus, University of Cambridge, Department of Clinical Neurosciences.
Furthermore I am a visiting member of the Chris Wallace group, University of Cambridge, Department of Medicine, who develop and apply statistical genomic methods to understand the genes, cells and pathways involved in complex diseases.
Clinical characteristics and outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage in young adults. Rutten-Jacobs LC, Maaijwee NA, Arntz RM, Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LD, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. J Neurol. 2014 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Long-term increased risk of unemployment after young stroke: A long-term follow-up study. Maaijwee NA, Rutten-Jacobs LC, Arntz RM, Schaapsmeerders P, Schoonderwaldt HC, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Neurology. 2014 Aug 15. pii: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000817. [Epub ahead of print]
Ischaemic stroke in young adults: risk factors and long-term consequences. Maaijwee NA, Rutten-Jacobs LC, Schaapsmeerders P, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Nat Rev Neurol. 2014 Jun;10(6):315-25.
Subjective cognitive failures after stroke in young adults: prevalent but not related to cognitive impairment. Maaijwee NA, Schaapsmeerders P, Rutten-Jacobs LC, Arntz RM, Schoonderwaldt HC, van Dijk EJ, Kessels RP, de Leeuw FE. J Neurol. 2014 Jul;261(7):1300-8.
Poor long-term functional outcome after stroke among adults aged 18 to 50 years: Follow-Up of Transient Ischemic Attack and Stroke Patients and Unelucidated Risk Factor Evaluation (FUTURE) study. Synhaeve NE, Arntz RM, Maaijwee NA, Rutten-Jacobs LC, Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LD, de Kort PL, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Stroke. 2014 Apr;45(4):1157-60.
High incidence of diabetes after stroke in young adults and risk of recurrent vascular events: the FUTURE study. Rutten-Jacobs LC, Keurlings PA, Arntz RM, Maaijwee NA, Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LD, van der Vlugt MJ, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 23;9(1):e87171.
Epilepsy after TIA or stroke in young patients impairs long-term functional outcome: the FUTURE Study. Arntz RM, Maaijwee NA, Rutten-Jacobs LC, Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LD, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Neurology. 2013 Nov 26;81(22):1907-13.
Long-term risk of recurrent vascular events after young stroke: The FUTURE study. Rutten-Jacobs LC, Maaijwee NA, Arntz RM, Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LD, van der Vlugt MJ, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. Ann Neurol. 2013 Oct;74(4):592-601.
Long-term cognitive impairment after first-ever ischemic stroke in young adults. Schaapsmeerders P, Maaijwee NA, van Dijk EJ, Rutten-Jacobs LC, Arntz RM, Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LD, Kessels RP, de Leeuw FE. Stroke. 2013 Jun;44(6):1621-8.
Long-term mortality after stroke among adults aged 18 to 50 years. Rutten-Jacobs LC, Arntz RM, Maaijwee NA, Schoonderwaldt HC, Dorresteijn LD, van Dijk EJ, de Leeuw FE. JAMA. 2013 Mar 20;309(11):1136-44.