Intravascular imaging; Vulnerable plaque identification
Role of biomechanical forces in the natural history of coronary atherosclerosis. Brown AJ, Teng Z, Evans PC, Gillard JH, Samady H and Bennett MR. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2016 Apr;13(4):210-220
Imaging atherosclerosis. Tarkin J, Dweck MR, Evans NR, Takx RA, Brown AJ, Tawakol A, Fayad ZA and Rudd JH. Circulation Research. 2016 Feb;118(4):750-769
Direct comparison of virtual-histology intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography imaging for identification of thin-cap fibroatheroma. Brown AJ, Obaid DR, Costopoulos C, Parker RA, Calvert PA, Teng Z, Hoole SP, West NEJ, Goddard M and Bennett MR. Circulation. Cardiovascular Imaging. 2015 Oct;8(10):e003487
Intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography imaging of coronary atherosclerosis. Costopoulos C, Brown AJ, Teng Z, Hoole SP, West NEJ, Samady H and Bennett MR. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016 Jan;32(1):189-200
Cholesterol crystals identified using optical coherence tomography and virtual-histology intravascular ultrasound. Brown AJ, Obaid DR, West NEJ, Goddard M and Bennett MR. Eurointervention. 2015 Jun;11(2):e1.
Contemporary invasive imaging modalities that identify and risk-stratify coronary plaques at risk of rupture. Brown AJ, Costopoulos C, West NEJ and Bennett MR. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2015 Jan;13(1):9-13.
Material properties of components in human carotid atherosclerotic plaques: a uniaxial extension study. Teng Z, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Feng J, Lu Q, Sutcliffe MP, Brown AJ, Jing Z and Gillard JH. Acta Biomater. 2014 Dec;10(12):5055-63.
Coronary plaque structural stress is associated with plaque composition and subtype and higher in acute coronary syndrome: the BEACON I (Biomechanical Evaluation of Atheromatous Coronary Arteries) study. Teng Z, Brown AJ, Calvert PA, Parker RA, Obaid DR, Huang Y, Hoole SP, West NE, Gillard JH, Bennett MR. Circulation. Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 May;7(3):461-70.
Direct stenting is an independent predictor of improved survival in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST elevation myocardial infarction. McCormick LM, Brown AJ, Ring LS, Gajendragadkar PR, Dockrill SJ, Hansom SP, Giblett JP, Gilbert TJ, Hoole SP, West NE. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2014 Dec;3(4):340-6.
Expansion and malapposition characteristics after bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation. Brown AJ, McCormick LM, Braganza DM, Bennett MR, Hoole SP, West NE. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Jul;84(1):37-45.
Plaque hemorrhage in carotid artery disease: pathogenesis, clinical and biomechanical considerations. Teng Z, Sadat U, Brown AJ, Gillard JH. J Biomech. 2014 Mar;47(4):847-58.
Remote ischemic preconditioning improves outcome at 6 years after elective percutaneous coronary intervention: the CRISP stent trial long-term follow-up. Davies WR, Brown AJ, Watson W, McCormick LM, West NE, Dutka DP, Hoole SP. Circulation Cardiovascular Intervention. 2013 Jun;6(3):246-51.
Left bundle branch block with acute thrombotic occlusion is associated with increased myocardial jeopardy score and poor clinical outcomes in primary percutaneous coronary intervention activations. Brown AJ, Hoole SP, McCormick LM, Malone-Lee M, Cacciottolo PJ, Schofield PM, West NE. Heart. 2013 Jun;99(11):774-8.
Composite outcomes in cardiovascular research: a survey of randomized trials. Lim E, Brown AJ, Helmy A, Mussa S and Altman DG. Ann Intern Med. 2008 Nov 4;149(9):612-7.