Functional Genomics theme led by Prof Nicole Soranzo performs epigenomic annotation of cells relevant to the pathobiology of cardiovascular disease.
Life Science and Healthcare Partnership Manager, GSK Partnership Manager - Strategic Partnerships Office
BHF Professor of Cardiopulmonary Medicine
Research Director, National Pulmonary Hypertension Service, Papworth Hospital
Emeritus Professor of Experimental Haematology, Director of Research
Honorary Consultant in Haematology at Cambridge University Hospitals, University College London Hospitals and NHS Blood and Transplant
Honorary Faculty at the Wellcome Sanger Institute
Professor in Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine
Cambridge Lead for BHF Oxbridge Centre of Regenerative Medicine (CRM).
BHF Senior Clinical Research Fellow
Professor of Human Genetics, School of Clinical Medicine, at the University of Cambridge
Senior Group Leader at the Wellcome Sanger Institute (Hinxton, UK)
Head of the Genomics Research Centre at Human Technopole (Milan, IT)
Professor of Therapeutics
Director of Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit
Honorary Consultant Physician