Dr Umar Sadat |
us229@cam.ac.uk |
Clinical Lecturer |
Dr Stewart Sage |
sos10@cam.ac.uk |
Reader in Cell Physiology |
Dr Andrew Sage |
aps63@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate, BHF Intermediate Research Fellow |
Ankur Saini |
as3552@cam.ac.uk |
Research Assistant |
Dr Majinder Sandhu |
ms23@sanger.ac.uk |
Reader - Global Health & Population Science |
Dr Priya Sastry |
priya.sastry@nhs.net |
BHF Centre of Excellence Clinical Research Training Fellow, SpR Cardiothoracic Surgeon, ETTAA Research Fellow |
Lisa Schmunk |
ljs80@medschl.cam.ac.uk |
PhD Student, Dept of Public Health & Primary Care |
Professor Stefan Scholtes |
01223 339635 |
s.scholtes@jbs.cam.ac.uk |
Dennis Gillings Professor of Health Management, Director of the Centre for Health Leadership & Enterprise (CCHLE) |
Professor Carola Bibiane Schönlieb |
cbs31@cam.ac.uk |
Head of the Cambridge Image Analysis group (CIA), Director of the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information (CCMI), Director of the Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Multimodal Clinical Imaging (CMIH), Co-Chair of the Cambridge Centre for Data Driven Discovery (C2D3), Chair of the Applied Mathematics Committee of the European Mathematical Society (EMS), Fellow of Jesus College |
Josca Schoonejans |
jms297@cam.ac.uk |
BHF 4-Year Programme PhD Student |
Sampad Sengupta |
ss3253@cam.ac.uk |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Professor Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri |
ans48@cam.ac.uk |
University Professor in Fetal and Placental Physiology, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow (2014-2019), Lister Institute for Preventative Medicine Research Fellow |
Dr Rameen Shakur |
rs16@sanger.ac.uk |
Cardiologist, Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Clinical Fellow |
Alexey Shatunov |
as3458@medschl.cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Dr Deeti Shetty |
ds922@cam.ac.uk |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Dr Ilenia Simeoni |
is250@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate, Scientific Coordinator Primary Immune Disorders |
Professor Benjamin Simons |
01223 337253 |
bds10@cam.ac.uk |
Herchel Smith Chair in Physics, Senior Group Leader at the Wellcome Trust-CRUK Gurdon Institute, Royal Society EP Abraham Professorship at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
Dr Aminder Singh |
as3134@cam.ac.uk |
Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellow |
Dr Shelly Singh-Gryzbon |
ss3127@cam.ac.uk |
Assistant Professor (in Fluids) , Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology |
Professor Sanjay Sinha |
01223 747491 |
sinha@stemcells.cam.ac.uk |
Professor in Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine, Cambridge Lead for BHF Oxbridge Centre of Regenerative Medicine (CRM)., BHF Senior Clinical Research Fellow |
Emily Smith |
es2056@cam.ac.uk |
BHF funded PhD student |
Professor Austin Smith |
01223 760233 |
ags39@cam.ac.uk |
Professor |
Professor Chris Smith |
cwjs1@cam.ac.uk |
Professor |
Professor Gordon Smith |
gcss2@cam.ac.uk |
Head of Department |
Dr Dave Smith |
dave.smith@astrazeneca.com |
Principal Scientist |
Professor Ken Smith |
01223 762645 |
kgcs2@medschl.cam.ac.uk |
Head of Department, Professor of Medicine |
Professor Nicole Soranzo |
ns6@sanger.ac.uk |
Professor of Human Genetics, School of Clinical Medicine, at the University of Cambridge, Senior Group Leader at the Wellcome Sanger Institute (Hinxton, UK) , Head of the Genomics Research Centre at Human Technopole (Milan, IT) |
Annabel Sorby-Adams |
ajs335@cam.ac.uk |
Post doctoral research fellow (Research Associate) |
Dr Alice Sowton |
apb72@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate, MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, BHF 4 Yr Phd student |
Professor David Spring |
spring@ch.cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Chemistry & Chemical Biology |
Dr Rouchelle Sriranjan Rothwell |
rfss2@medschl.cam.ac.uk |
NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Cardiology (University of Cambridge), Interventional Cardiology SpR (Royal Papworth Hospital) |
Luca Stefanucci |
ls760@medschl.cam.ac.uk |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Wellcome Sanger Institute, PhD Student Department of Haematology |
Marinka Steur |
mjjs2@medschl.cam.ac.uk |
Career Development Fellow at MRC Epidemiology Unit |
Dr Jane Sugars |
jms80@medschl.cam.uk.uk |
Cardiovascular Centres Manager |
Professor Michael Sutcliffe |
01223 332996 |
mpfs@eng.cam.ac.uk |
Leader of the Departmental Bioengineering Research Theme, Head of the Biomechanics Group, Co-Director of the Cambridge Centre for Engineering Better Care (CEBC) |
Dr Emilia Swietlik |
es740@cam.ac.uk |
BHF Clinical Career Development Fellow |